SSAC Competitions / Calls for Entry
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Night, Light, & Half Light—Juried National Exhibition
Juror: TBD
April 3 – May 10, 2025
Night, Light, & Half Light
OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, April 3, 6 - 8 PM
National Show, open to all media, original works in black, white, and grays.
ABOUT THE THEME: South Shore Art Center presents a biannual black and white juried exhibition, open to artists working in all media. Works must be original. We are interested in the interplay between light and composition, within the constraints of black, white, and gray. We have titled this exhibit, Night, Light, and Half Light as a nod to William Butler Yeats’ “Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven,” which we have provided below.
“Aedh Wishes for the Cloths of Heaven”
William Butler Yeats
Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Sunday, March 2, 2024, end of day.
JPEG SIZING: Images submitted via Smarter Entry should be at least 1280 pixels in the longest dimension at 72 ppi; file size not to exceed 2 MB.
$25 for three images. $10 for each additional image up to 6 total images.
ALL WORKS MUST BE FOR SALE. South Shore Art Center receives 40% of the purchase price. Please submit only work that will be available at the time of the exhibition and will remain for its entirety. Work must have been created within the past three years. No accepted entry may be withdrawn prior to the close of the exhibition. No pricing changes will be allowed after acceptance. Living artists only. Work that is copied or done under the guidance of an instructor is not eligible. Entries must not have been previously exhibited at SSAC or the SSAC Arts Festival. If the work does not fully reflect what is represented on the submitted image, South Shore Art Center reserves the right to eliminate it from the exhibition.
Two-dimensional work must be professionally presented and firmly wired. No sawtooth hangers, no sandwich frames. 3-D work should include a sturdy pedestal.
All submitting artists will receive a group email by the end of day on Friday, March 7 with a list of accepted works.
Shipping, return shipping and a $25 handling fee for shipped work are the responsibility of the artist. No Sunday Deliveries. Delivery by Saturday, March 29. Hand delivered work drop off: Thursday, March 27 – Saturday, March 29, 10:00am–4:00pm.
Hand delivered works may be picked up between Monday, May 12 – Wednesday, May 14, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. SSAC will return shipped work by May 31, 2024. A handling fee of $25 is required for shipped artwork.
I understand that South Shore Art Center will ensure work accepted to the extent of 60% of the artist’s stated value while the work is in the Art Center’s custody and control.
Submission to Night, Light, and Half Light constitutes an agreement with all conditions of this show. South Shore Art Center reserves the right to photograph or use a submitted image for an accepted work for publicity purposes. South Shore Art Center reserves the right to reject any work not resembling the submitted entry or work that is not ready to be shown according to the aforementioned specifications.
First Prize, $500
Second Prize, $300
Third Prize, $200
Awards of Merit (3)
South Shore Art Center Arts Festival 2025
Calling all Artists and Artisans!
SSAC seeks exhibitors for the 70th Annual Arts Festival on the Cohasset Town Common, Father’s Day Weekend, June 13-15, 2025.
How to apply:
All applicants, returning and new, must apply via Smarter Entry!
Submit your application via the Smarter Entry link that you can find on our website under the arts festival tab or click on the link attached to this email. Please make sure you select South Shore Art Center on Smarter Entry. Upload images showing current work that you will have for sale, if accepted. You should upload five (5) images in total, to include four (4) images of work and one (1) of booth set-up. Please also include a description of your images as well as a price point for each piece shown. An artist statement is always helpful to the jury.
Application fees are non-refundable!
Booth fees, if accepted, are:
$425 Booth fee
$500 Corner booth fee
A salient part of what makes our Arts Festival a festival is the ‘art village’ of craft exhibitors from throughout New England and beyond who showcase and sell their original art, craft and designs to the 25,000 Festival goers each year. We invite you to apply to be one of these craft exhibitors!
Important dates:
February 2: Application due.
February 10: Notifications to accepted craft exhibitors.
March 1: Booth Fees due.
June 13 - 15: 70th SSAC Arts Festival on Cohasset common.
Exhibitor Standards
- All work must be handmade using original designs.
- Acceptable media includes decorative and wearable fiber, leather, wood, glass, sculpture, basketry, metal, jewelry, printmaking, ceramics, and paper.
- Fine art and photography are acceptable, but these media will be limited to no more than 10% of the exhibitors because of the concurrent Art Center exhibitions.
- Unacceptable work includes imported goods, flower arrangements, and craft made from kits or unoriginal designs.
- Booth space cannot be sublet to other artists nor can exhibitor act as a dealer for other artists or manufacturers.
Jury Process
A jury will review entries to ensure the handcrafted work is original and of the highest quality. Acceptance into the Arts Festival is at the discretion of the jury and the management of South Shore Art Center. Previous exhibitors will receive special consideration but are not guaranteed admission.
Refund Policy
If accepted and unable to commit to the show, a refund may be obtained before May 1, less a $50 cancellation fee. After May 1, a $75 credit will be given toward the 2026 Arts Festival.
Insurance, Safety and Security
Exhibitors are responsible for their own insurance. All displays must be fireproof and there can be no use of open flame. Overnight security is contracted by South Shore Art Center.
The Arts Festival is held out-of-doors, rain or shine. Each exhibitor must provide a white canopy tent set-up to accommodate a 10’x10’ square space, including weather protection. All booths are on grass. Set-up begins at 8:00am on Friday, June 13; the Festival opens at 1:00pm. Accommodations can be made for a limited number of exhibitors to have access to electricity.
About South Shore Art Center
Founded in 1955, South Shore Art Center’s mission is to enrich the communities south of Boston by engaging artists and by fostering an understanding and appreciation of the visual arts through exhibitions and education. For 70 years we have worked tirelessly to meet this mission by installing thought-provoking exhibitions; hosting unforgettable events; providing a space for making art; offering courses and workshops to assist artistic growth and journeys; and of course presenting a regional Arts Festival.
Exhibitors must further agree to the following guidelines:
1. All work displayed at my booth during the Arts Festival is my creation.
2. I will not sublet my booth space or any portion of my booth or act as a dealer for other artists or manufacturers.
3. All displays will be fireproof and I will have no open flames.
4. I understand I must provide my own insurance.
5. I understand that the Arts Festival is held out-of-doors, rain or shine.
6. I agree to comply with all state and local regulations.
Gallery Artist Juried Exhibition—Bancroft Gallery
Off the Record
January 9 to February 8, 2024
Juror: Gregory Scheckler, MFA; Professor, Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts; Curator, Gallery 51
About the Theme: The expression “off the record” speaks to whistleblowing, accountability, and fear of reprisal. It’s a stalwart of noir films and investigative programming, but it also feels very timely. What can we say in today’s world, what can we document? Where do the lines blur between surveillance and expectations of privacy? What, if anything, is truly off the record and what is available for human discussion?
South Shore Art Center’s Annual Gallery Artist juried Exhibition is open to SSAC Gallery Artists in good standing. Media categories are oil and acrylic, encaustic and cold wax, drawing and pastel, watercolor, printmaking, fiber arts, mixed media/3D, photography, digital media, and 3D. It is particularly important to us because it represents our community of talented Artists.
South Shore Art Center will be processing initial art intake online via Smarter Entry to allow for automated exhibition paperwork and fees. The Smarter Entry system does not have the capacity to determine whether memberships are current. Art Center staff will review each entry and will contact anyone with lapsed memberships. If your Gallery Artist membership has lapsed, we will ask that you renew prior to the exhibition installation or when dropping off your work.
Off the Record dates: January 9 to February 8. Opening Reception: Thursday, January 9, 6:00-8:00pm.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Friday, December 13. All work must be original, have been completed within the last three years, and have not been previously exhibited at South Shore Art Center (SSAC) or at the Arts Festival. Membership must be current through February 2025.
There is nonrefundable $25 fee per 3 entries.
Media categories are oil and acrylic, encaustic and cold wax, drawing and pastel, watercolor, printmaking, fiber arts, mixed media/3D, photography and digital media.
ALL WORKS MUST BE FOR SALE. South Shore Art Center receives 40% of the purchase price. Please submit only work that will be available at the time of the exhibition and will remain for its entirety. No accepted entry may be withdrawn prior to the close of the exhibition. No pricing changes will be allowed after acceptance. Living artists only. Work that is copied is not eligible. Entries must not have been previously exhibited at SSAC or the SSAC Arts Festival. If the work does not fully reflect what is represented on the jpeg, South Shore Art Center reserves the right to eliminate it from the exhibition.
DROP OFF of actual works will take place at SSAC January 3–4, between 10:00–4:00. Please label the back of your work with your name and title of the work so we can match it up with your Smarter Entry info. Please let SSAC know if you need to drop work off before or after these dates; we will be closed December 23, 2024 – January 2, 2025.
PICK UP works February 10–12, 10:00–4:00 pm
JPEG SIZING: Image size for entry on Smarter Entry: Images should be at least 1280 pixels in the longest dimension at 72 ppi, file size not to exceed 2 MB.
It is in your best interest to submit high quality images.
SSAC will email all submitting artists with a list of accepted works by end of day Tuesday, December 17.
I understand that South Shore Art Center will insure work accepted to the extent of 60% of the artist’s stated value while the work is in the Art Center’s custody and control.
Submission to Off the Record constitutes an agreement with all conditions of this show. South Shore Art Center reserves the right to photograph or use a submitted image for publicity purposes.
1st Prize - $200
2nd Prize - $150
3rd Prize - $100
3 Honorable Mentions
On the Road—Juried National Exhibition
Juror: Peter Rudolph, Owner, McClees Galleries, Bryn Mawr, PA
November 14 – December 20, 2024
On the Road
OPENING RECEPTION: Thursday, November 14, 6 - 8 PM
National Show, open to all media, original works of the On the Road theme.
ABOUT THE THEME: The exhibition title, On the Road, was inspired by Jack Kerouac’s seminal novel, which many consider emblematic of the Beat Generation. The defining concept of Beat Generation Art is the ability to experiment, and it extends to all art disciplines of the 1950s and early 1960s. Today the phrase “on the road” has a more pedestrian allusion to traveling. The goal of this exhibition is to showcase the literal and figurative journeys one takes in life and in one’s art-making.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Sunday, October 13, 2024, end of day.
JPEG SIZING: Images submitted via Smarter Entry should be at least 1280 pixels in the longest dimension at 72 ppi; file size not to exceed 2 MB.
$25 for three images. $10 for each additional image up to 6 total images.
ALL WORKS MUST BE FOR SALE. South Shore Art Center receives 40% of the purchase price. Please submit only work that will be available at the time of the exhibition and will remain for its entirety. Work must have been created within the past three years. No accepted entry may be withdrawn prior to the close of the exhibition. No pricing changes will be allowed after acceptance. Living artists only. Work that is copied or done under the guidance of an instructor is not eligible. Entries must not have been previously exhibited at SSAC or the SSAC Arts Festival. If the work does not fully reflect what is represented on the submitted image, South Shore Art Center reserves the right to eliminate it from the exhibition.
Two-dimensional work must be professionally presented and firmly wired. No sawtooth hangers, no sandwich frames. 3-D work should include a sturdy pedestal. SSAC will not be responsible for any damages incurred during shipping to our facility nor any that arises due to faulty framing.
All submitting artists will receive a group email by the end of day on Monday, October 21 with a list of accepted works. Please ensure you check the email address you use for registering with Smarter Entry; we will be using this email.
Shipping, return shipping and a $25 handling fee for shipped work are the responsibility of the artist. No Sunday Deliveries. Delivery by Saturday, November 9. Hand delivered work drop off: Friday, November 8 – Saturday, November 9, 10:00am–4:00pm. Please note that SSAC is closed on Sundays and will be closed on Monday, November 11 for Veterans Day.
Hand delivered works may be picked up Saturday, December 21, 10:00 a.m to 4:00 p.m., or between Monday, January 6 – Tuesday, January 7, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. SSAC will be closed for Winter holidays between December 23, 2014 – January 5, 2025. SSAC will return shipped work by January 10, 2025. A handling fee of $25 is required for shipped artwork.
I understand that South Shore Art Center will ensure work accepted to the extent of 60% of the artist’s stated value while the work is in the Art Center’s custody and control.
Submission to On the Road constitutes an agreement with all conditions of this show. South Shore Art Center reserves the right to photograph or use a submitted image for an accepted work for publicity purposes. South Shore Art Center reserves the right to reject any work not resembling the submitted entry or work that is not ready to be shown according to the aforementioned specifications.
First Prize, $500
Second Prize, $300
Third Prize, $200
Awards of Merit (3)