NYC4PA Call for Entry


  • | Start Date: 6/2/2024 12:00:00 AM (PT)
  • | End Date: 8/25/2024 12:00:00 AM (PT)
  • | Fee: $35.00 USD per 3
  • | Additional Entries: $10.00 USD per 1
  • | Host: NYC4PA

The word curve has a broad spectrum of meanings from throwing a curve ball to slowing down for the curve on a country road, and let’s not forget the curves associated with the human body. For this call the focus is on images where a curve or curves is an important element of the composition.  No matter where you photograph the possibilities are endless. It can be that winding road. It can also be a stack of old tires, curved windows in a city building, or, in fact, the shape of the building itself. Do you see the curvaceous form of an elephant’s trunk when feeding, the curl of a giant wave or even a closer view of a head full of curls. Curves are all around us.  Capture them as a dominant element of your images and send them in.

NYC4PA Call for Entry


  • | Start Date: 7/21/2024 12:00:00 AM (PT)
  • | End Date: 10/20/2024 11:59:00 PM (PT)
  • | Fee: $35.00 USD per 3
  • | Additional Entries: $10.00 USD per 1
  • | Host: NYC4PA

RED, YELLOW, and BLUE are the three basic paint colors an artist needs to create all the colors they use on their palate.  Although most of what we see in our daily life is the world of color generated from the infinite number of combinations of these elements, each stands out on its own as an important visual element.

This competition is about images in which one of these colors is a critical component.  You will submit each image into one of the categories RED, BLUE or YELLOW. Do you have a monochrome image with a red car parked at the curb, a portrait with a funky pair of yellow sunglasses or a city image with a blue bench as the major element. Have you modified a print to be all shades of red?  Essentially any image where red, yellow or blue stands out as an important part of the composition is fits the bill. Be creative and send us your best!


Please Note

Images awarded an NYC4PA prize within the past 2 years are not eligible. Images submitted that were not selected for a prize may be submitted at any time.

We use a blind jury process – no signatures or watermarks on the submitted files.

NYC4PA Call for Entry


  • | Start Date: 4/28/2024 12:00:00 AM (PT)
  • | End Date: 7/14/2024 11:59:00 PM (PT)
  • | Fee: $35.00 USD per 3
  • | Additional Entries: $10.00 USD per 1
  • | Host: NYC4PA

The definition of architecture is the art or science of building, often with a focus on habitable structures.  We are familiar with architects like Gehry, Wright, and Gaudi as well as famous buildings like the Empire State Building in New York and the Burj Khalifa in Dubai. But are habitable structures a requirement? Actually, it can be much broader than that. For instance, the Eiffel Tower, the pyramids in Egypt, interiors of cathedrals or the main hall at New York's Grand Central Station are all examples of world-famous architecture. In addition, examples of architecture do not have to be world famous.  Private houses, bridges etc. are all examples and skylines may represent a collection of similar or different types of architecture.

Send us your vision of architecture with images that represent any of the facets mentioned above or another interpretation you envision.  Whole structures and architectural detail are all welcome.

NYC4PA Call for Entry


  • | Start Date: 2/25/2024 12:00:00 AM (PT)
  • | End Date: 5/19/2024 11:59:00 PM (PT)
  • | Fee: $35.00 USD per 3
  • | Additional Entries: $10.00 USD per 1
  • | Host: NYC4PA

Portals is one of our favorite themes.  It allows for so much creativity capturing things that are all around wherever we may be.  


Doors and windows and arches and frames and tunnels are so much a part of our lives. There are so many ways to think about them. We can look at them, or through them.  We can poke our hand out the window to test the weather, or just see a wonderful scene a little differently when framed by an arch or array of tree limbs in a park.


For this call your images can focus on the "portal" itself like a half closed door, a wonderful windowsill or the view through an archway to the other side. Does it frame the main subject of the photograph or does it add another dimension, such as the distortions of old glass or reflections in windowpanes.

Once again, we invite you to be creative and have fun in the process. 

As with all calls, all 2D photographic art is accepted.  Note – Images awarded an NYC4PA prize within the past 2 years are not eligible. Images submitted that were not selected for a prize may be submitted at any time.

NYC4PA Call for Entry


  • | Start Date: 1/14/2024 12:00:00 AM (PT)
  • | End Date: 4/14/2024 11:59:00 PM (PT)
  • | Fee: $35.00 USD per 3
  • | Additional Entries: $10.00 USD per 1
  • | Host: NYC4PA


“And behind door number 2 – a brand new…….”

US television prizes – all about the “new”.  Though we often focus on the new and shiny there is amazing beauty in the decayed, the corroded, the rusted and it can make images of those items so much more compelling and interesting.

Consider the textures and colors in an abandoned, dilapidated factory or prison, the rust on an old bike, contrasting plaster and lathing on a corroded wall and the myriad of possible captures in a junkyard.  Neighborhoods, disparagingly called "run down", are treasure troves of "decayed" tumble down houses, "corroded" discarded toys, "rusted" cars, trash cans and so on. 

 Decay, Corrosion, Rust.... can take many forms; black and white, color, abstract - all photographic media are welcome. 

As with all NYC4PA calls, all 2D photographic art is accepted.  Note – Images awarded an NYC4PA prize within the past 2 years are not eligible. Images submitted that were not selected for a prize may be submitted at any time.

NYC4PA Call for Entry


  • | Start Date: 11/19/2023 12:00:00 AM (PT)
  • | End Date: 2/11/2024 11:59:00 PM (PT)
  • | Fee: $35.00 USD per 3
  • | Additional Entries: $10.00 USD per 1
  • | Host: NYC4PA

Colors  of the Commonplace

The word “commonplace” suggests things we see without really noticing them.     Some synonyms are vanilla, customary, every day, mundane, with examples like doors, buildings, benches, cars, teacups, glasses that you come across everyday while out walking, on the train, in the car, at the supermarket, or even in your own house. The challenge for this call is in creating images where the “Color of the Commonplace” creates an image with impact and makes it pop.

Show us how you choose to meet this challenge. As with all NYC4PA calls for entry all 2d photographs are welcome.