COTT Competitions / Calls for Entry
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Artists are invited to submit their work for the jurying phase of Gallery Main Street’s “Open Theme” fine art exhibit.
Visit to learn more about Gallery Main Street.
Entries due: August 17
Notifications: August 22
Drop off: September 9
Opening: September 12
Pick-up: November 4
The exhibit will run through until November 3.
2025 Featured Artist Call is now open!
Exhibit Dates: November 7 to January 5
Art you interested in hosting a solo or collaborative show?
7 to 8 weeks use of the full exhibit space
Assistance with hanging the exhibit and providing wall cards
Exhibit poster and promotional items
Artist Reception (Nov. 7)
Social media event and promotion throughout the duration of the exhibit
Handling of all sales (80%-Artist/20%Gallery)
Artist information updated on Downtown website
Exhibit information is sent out to all media outlets within the area
When entering for the show submit pieces that reflect your style. Pieces submitted do not have to be the ones that are to be hung during the exhibit. Also, include any websites or social handles, as this allows jurors to further look into your works.
Jurors will evaluate all submittals and the selected Artists will be announced on soical media on Jan. 6, 2025. Others will remain on the waiting list, in the event a selected Artist passes on their spot.
All pieces must be ready to hang by D-rings or proper hanging wire and delivered to the gallery by Nov. 5, 2025.
Contact with any further questions.